Wedding makeup artists and hairstylists
in Italy on location

Milan, Como, Toscaca on demend
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Hi, I’m Mila! Am honored you are considering me to be a part of your big day. I’m a make up artist and hairstylist with 9 years experience in beauty industry. My goal is to create relationships with my clients based on transparency, complicity, and trust. Each bridal experience is tailored, because all the love stories and weddings are different. If you are looking for a beauty team of professionals - my colleagues and I would be honored to be a part of your special day!
"BIANCA" — is a team of professional makeup artists and hair stylists. We have been working for more than 9 years and have made more than 10,000 works.
The best cosmetics and stylers
We use luxury cosmetics, the best hair stylers and reliable tools.
We use clean disinfected brushes and tools.
high skills
Only experienced and certified specialists.
we speak English
All masters speak English.

Contact us

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We will not use your phone for advertising.
We will contact you in a few hours after submitting your application.
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